This post on Saving the Best for Last was written by Jeffrey Chen. Jeffrey has a passion for sharing God’s love with those around him. He blogs at The Wayvy Life.

Saving the Best for Last
Weddings are fun. Especially when there is enough drinks for everyone. Even Jesus knew that. In John 2, we read about the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine to keep the party going. When the “master” of the celebration tastes the wine, he says, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” (John 2:10).
So, not only did Jesus magically supply copious amounts of wine after it all ran out, but He made it really delicious too! He saved the best for last. I don’t know what you have going on in your life right now, but I am sure it is not everything you ever dreamed of. Life is not perfect. It can be a real struggle sometimes. There are some good days and there are some bad days. There are some relaxing days and some real stressful days. It may not be awful, but it certainly is not the best.
The good news is that the best is yet to come. Just like He saved the best wine for the end of the party, Jesus saves the best for us at the end of our lives. Sure, we can enjoy the wine we have now that gives us a taste of heaven every now and then, but it is nothing compared to what Jesus has in store for us after our time is done here on Earth. If we put our faith in Jesus, he will provide us with eternal life and glory beyond our imagination. We will experience what is it like to constantly be in the full presence of God. A place full of love, belonging, peace, joy, and the best wine (or beer if you ask me) you will ever taste. Now that is something to look forward to.
What is bringing you down right now? What do you wish was better about your life? Whatever it is, know that that there are better days ahead. Keep working to glorify God and serve others in the meantime as we are called to, while holding onto the hope and knowledge that Jesus saves the best for last for us. That there will be a day with no troubles or worries or hardship. You will make it there. And it will be truly amazing. Remember that whether you are having a good day or a bad day. Because in due time, you will have a perfect day and perfect life for all eternity. How awesome is that. Thank you Jesus for saving the best for last. I can’t wait for it. May you enjoy the party of life for now while waiting in anticipation of the grand finale.
“Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever.” – Isaiah 9:1
As always, please feel free to reach out to me for feedback, questions, suggestions on topics, or anything else. I’m happy to chat about anything and everything. I hope you could take away something helpful from this post. You can reach me at!
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