This post includes ten tips on maintaining healthy hydration year-round, plus two hydrating recipes ~ Cranberry Pomegranate Chia Fresca Drink and Hydrating “Knox Blox”. Sponsored post by Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water.
Did you know that our bodies are about 60% water and that our brains are made of approximately 75% water? Water is needed to carry out all of our body’s normal functions – and it’s good for our mind, skin, waistline and heart.
During the summer, I naturally spend more time outdoors exercising and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Now as the seasons are changing and temperatures are falling, I’m trying hard to hold onto these healthy living habits by maintaining an exercise routine and healthy hydration. It’s definitely a challenge for me, as it is for many Americans.
Did you know that:
- More than 60% of Americans are drinking less than 8 glasses of water a day
- Americans aren’t hydrating in other months outside of summer
- More than half of Americans don’t feel the need to hydrate when temperatures cool down
For fun, I took Ocean Spray’s Hydration IQ test and I’m embarrassed to say I only scored a 5. Although I try to drink a glass of water when I first wake up and with each meal, I’m not consistent about getting enough fluids the rest of the day, mainly because I get bored of drinking water and I forget. So, I was game to try Ocean Spray PACt® cranberry extract water as a way to encourage myself to hydrate better and more meaningfully with cranberry health benefits.
PACt® cranberry extract water is a new product from Ocean Spray® that contains PACs, or proanthocyanidins – unique, powerful elements found deep inside cranberries, to help cleanse and purify your body better than water alone (PACs are found in cranberries, not in water).
I found Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water to be a refreshing way to hydrate and mix things up during the day without a lot of calories. Each 16-ounce bottle has just 10 calories, and contains PACs from 50 cranberries. It does not contain GMO ingredients or artificial colors, is naturally sweetened with erythritol and stevia, and comes in four varieties: Cranberry Pomegranate, Cranberry Raspberry, Cranberry Blood Orange, and Cranberry Mango-Passionfruit. My son’s favorite flavor is Cranberry Mango-Passionfruit.
Here are some ways I’m going to try to maintain healthy hydration as a good habit year-round, especially now that the weather is turning cooler:
Three Fun Ways Mix Things Up and Stay Hydrated:
Water is always a great choice, but for a change of pace, try a spritzer (serve it cocktail style for fun).
Have you seen chia drinks in the supermarket? You can make your own Chia Fresca drink at home (recipe below).
These cute gelatin shapes are made with Ocean Spray PACt® cranberry extract water and remind me of the Knox Blox snacks my mom used to make when I was a kid (recipe below).
I actually tried all these tips myself the last couple of weeks, and found that mixing things up definitely helped and makes staying hydrating more fun.
Staying hydrated year-round is really important, so I’m committed to making a conscious effort to maintain healthy hydration throughout the year.
Ocean Spray® is giving away one (1) $50 Amazon gift card to my readers. There are multiple ways to enter.
This giveaway is now over.
Hydrating Cranberry Pomegranate Chia Fresca
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup chia seeds
- 2 cups Cranberry Pomegranate Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water
Heat water in a small saucepan; add chia seeds and stir; remove from heat and let cool; refrigerate until ready to use.
When ready to serve, for each serving, pour 1 cup Cranberry Pomegranate Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water into glass; add 1/4 cup hydrated chia seeds to glass and stir.
Hydrating "Knox Blox"
- 2 packets unflavored gelatin
- 1 16- ounce bottle Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water any flavor
Pour 1/2 cup Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water into a medium bowl and sprinkle on unflavored gelatin packs. Let sit until softened, about 4-5 minutes.
Meanwhile, bring remaining Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add hot liquid to softened gelatin and stir until dissolved. Pour into 8"x8"x2" pan. Refrigerate until firm, about 3 hours. Cut into shapes using your favorite cookie cutters.
Visit to learn more about Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water and take the Hydration IQ quiz. You can also follow the conversation about Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. This post was sponsored by Ocean Spray® PACt® cranberry extract water. The opinions and text are all mine.
Lisa Brown says
I drink water throughout the day and always have water with me where ever I am.
Bianca @ Sweet Dreaming says
a glass of warm lemon water when i wake up, and a huge water bottle with me at all times!!
Natalie says
I keep a water bottle by my desk and squirt a flavor enhancer to help me drink more water.
Jess Armstrong says
I carry a bubba tumbler with me everywhere! It’s next to my bed, at my desk, grocery shopping, at the gym. It’s 32oz and I make a goal to drink 4 fills a day.
corgimas says
I pretty much just drink water and coffee….so..hopefully they cancel each other out!!!
Janet W. says
I stay hydrated year round by drinking lots of water and always having a water bottle with me whenever I go out or run errands.
Julie Wood says
I drink 8 cups of filtered water every day! I have the ingredients to make the HYDRATING CRANBERRY POMEGRANATE CHIA FRESC! It looks delicious!
Jeanette says
I hope you enjoy this!
Stephanie says
i drink alot of water
Mami2jcn says
I keep water bottles in the kitchen that I drink throughout the day.
Sandy Headtke says
I carry water with me everywhere I go
Kristen D. says
I drink lots of soda stream sparkling water- so easy to add in a flavor boost to keep it interesting!
Stephanie C. says
I keep a reusable bottle with me and when I am at work I keep it in front of one of my monitors so I’m consistently reminded to take a drink of water or to refill it.
Kelly D says
I drink water throughout the day and pack a water bottle if I am going on a road trip.
Stacie says
I try to drink water all day long! If I see my cup I know i need to fill it up and have more
Angie@Angie's Recipes says
Looks so pretty and I really should drink more water rather than just tea.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine says
Wow! That’s one crazy refresher! I’m one of those people who loves to drink! Water, water, water!!
Shannon says
I always keep a water bottle at my desk to drink throughout the day
Judith says
A bottle at my desk!
Karrie says
By drinking Gatorade and water
HS says
I drink water to stay hydrated year-round.
Will G says
I drink plenty of water.
Sheila Vives says
I use water with lemon, or fruit juices to stay hydrated most of the time. Spring water is always good too, as well as eating fresh fruit.
shelly peterson says
Luckily I love water so I drink it all day every day.
Leidy Ruiz says
By drinking lots of water, powerade and iced tea
Dianne says
I drink 8-10 glasses daily. I also drink water with lemon, lime and cucumber.
Jeanette says
I love your combination of lemon, lime and cucumber – so refreshing!
Elle P. says
I always have a water bottle with me.
GB says
I keep water bottles in my car for when I am on the go.
Krista M says
Drink a glass o water before, during, and after each meal.
Kim Henrichs says
I have a big bottle of water I usually keep with me at work every day.
Vickie says
Well I am one of the peeps you talked about in your article..I don’t get enough.
We do eat a lot of watermelon and drink sweet tea and citrus infused water. We are prett Good but could do better
nadya kotik says
I always have my water bottlein my purse. All my purses have to fit a bottle
Birdiebee says
FYI – Unable to share this on Facebook.
Linda says
I take advantage of different flavored waters.
Laura J says
I put a pitcher of water in the fridge every morning, and try to drink it before the day is done. Helps remind me to stay hydrated and see how much water I am drinking each day!
Elena says
I stay hydrated by bringing a water bottle with me everywhere I go
Deborah G. says
I drink lots of water and milk everyday.
Thomas Murphy says
I drink lots of water.
Tracie Cooper says
I keep hydrated by taking water with me everywhere I go!
marie johson says
This is such an amazing drink recipe. I really feel happy and hydrated when I drink it.